KDM Textures
'And so I followed him in utter still
Down labyrinthine corridors which turned
And convoluted steeply as we trod
The rocky, nitrous caverns of my mind...
The stygian dark did next
Instill me with such terror that I quaked.'

- Edward Pickman Derby, 'Azathoth'

Author: Kell
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.signsofkoth.co.uk
The wad file can be unzipped to wherever you keep the rest of your texture files.
Base: About 30 of these textures are reworked id textures. Others, like the fp series from Fear For All, are from scratch.

You can use these textures in any way you deem suitable. The id-derived textures can only be used in Quake 1 maps without infringing copyright.
A lot of the textures from different maps don't really work together, so mix it up with some other wads for best results.

Number of textures: 117
Editors Used: Worldcraft v1.5b/1.6, Paint Shop Pro v5, Wally v1.42c, TexMex 3.4
Distribution And Legal Rivets
If you release a map containing any of these textures, I would appreciate a credit.
You may distribute this wad file on any format, to anyone else.
There are just two stipulations -
1. The wad file must remain unaltered.
2. This html file must be included, also unaltered.
Thanks To
id software for the arcane alchemy that is Quake
Jasc Software for Paint Shop Pro
Mike Jackman for TexMex
Ty Mathews and Neal White for Wally
TLG and Communic-8 for the use of their scanners
Dedicated to Howard Philips Lovecraft ( Dead But Dreaming )