98 04 24 ================================================================ Title : Mortal Coil Filename : broken2.bsp (q2duel5.bsp) Author : Phil Chopp "Retinal" Email Address : chopp@worldchat.com Description : A deathmatch dump. Note: I still don't have the ability to run GLQuake so again I did the lighting blindly. Additional Credits to : id Software for Quake 2 Ben Morris for Worldcraft PeeJ for playtesting this map Quake Workshop for their colour chart Rust for their great tutorials All those who reviewed my maps and those who have offered suggestions and criticism through E-mail and on the servers Other Maps By Author Quake: RTLDM1, RTLDM2(P), RTLDM3 Quake 2 : BROKEN1 ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch 2-4 : Yes (6 starts) - intended for 1 on 1 Deathmatch 5-8 : Possible Deathmatch 9-100 : Nearing 100 it may get a little slow, he he Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None CD Track : 0 ================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : *modified* WorldCraft 1.5b, Voila (great program) and Text Editing Known Bugs : None Build Time : 2 Weeks (new record for me) Compile machine : Pentium-166 32 Meg RAM QBSP3 : 18 sec. QVIS3 : 35 sec. GDDQRAD3 (by Geoffrey DeWan) : 246 sec. ================================================================== * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this level and include it in any deathmatch compilation as long as you include this text file, get my written permission and of course give me credit. Feel free to E-mail me with you comments or questions. If you're actually still reading this and this level finds its way to your web page, then please E-mail me. Chopp chopp@worldchat.com