Ride The Lightning By: U8Poo (map Poodm1) Quake2 Deathmatch Map Emailto: U8Poo@email.com ---------------------------INSTALL------------------------- ===== To install unzip to your quake2\baseq2 folder======== ===== If you dont knwo whare this is it is C:\quake2\baseq2 --------------------------PLAY INFO------------------------ Map Poodm1 Single Player : No Coopertive : Nope Deathmatch : 100% Yup Ctf : Not Yet but maby soon ;) Players : 2-8 It seems to be very fun 1vs1, good connectivity. About 5 players seems perfect though not too fast or slow. R_Speeds WPolly : 680 is the highest I could find... it beats 'The Edge' as far as proformance, overall it avrages about 450 Wpolly, this map should be bearable in software but i wouldnt recommend it... much better in OpenGL :) Lava : No Slime/Acid : No Water : Yes, Not much Elevators : No JumpPads : Yes, 1 Doors : No Sky : Unit1_ NewSounds : No NewTextures : Yes, Q1 Q2 Q3a and some by me :) NewArchitecture : Yes, None of that old Baseq2 Looking stuff All original my style architecture (if u can call it that lol) Lots of curves and curved stairs. :) --------------------------ITEM INFO------------------------- MegaHealth : Yes Quad : No Armor : Yes, Jacket,Combat Health : 2,10,25, and adrenaline PowerShield : Hell NO! Shotgun : Yes SuperShotgun : Yes Machinegun : Yes, 2 Chaingun : Yes HandGrenades : Yes, Lots ;) GrenadeLauncher : Yes RocketLauncher : Yes, 2 HyperBlaster : Yes Railgun : Yes Bfg : Maby ;) But I dont like it... Shells : Yes Bullets : Yes Grenades : Yup :) Rockets : Yes Cells : Yes Slugs : Yes ----------------------CONSTRUCTION INFO--------------------- Base : Original Version : 1.0 No Updates Ever Editor Used : Qoole 99v .98 Known Bugs : Jump pad can get stuck. Note: If you happen to notice the micro gaps in the big curved walls and stairs they are because of a floating point problem in qoole I nolonger use qoole and thoes cracks arnt my fault :) -------------------------COMPILE INFO----------------------- This map was a very quick 12 min compile because of its layout Machine : 300 mHZ P2 128 RAM SCSI hdd System : Winblows 98 SE ArghRad : No, basic qoole compile tools. Saving file: C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.map ===== Executing process: ===== C:\QOOLE\bin\QBSP3.EXE poodm1 ----------- qbsp3 ----------- original code by id Software Modified by Geoffrey DeWan Revision 1.08 ----------------------------- gamedir set to C:\Quake2\baseq2\ entering C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.map Entity 85, Brush 0: mixed face contents Brush: Line 6061, file C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.map Entity 86, Brush 0: mixed face contents Brush: Line 6072, file C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.map 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (4) 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (3) writing C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.prt Writing C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.bsp 14 seconds elapsed ===== Process Terminated ===== ===== Executing process: ===== C:\QOOLE\bin\QVIS3.EXE poodm1 ----------- qvis3 ----------- original code by id Software Modified by Geoffrey DeWan Revision 1.02 ----------------------------- reading C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.bsp reading C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.prt 667 portalclusters 1805 numportals 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (14) 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (428) Average clusters visible: 112 Building PHS... Average clusters hearable: 363 visdatasize:81042 compressed from 117392 writing C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.bsp 442.0 seconds elapsed ===== Process Terminated ===== ===== Executing process: ===== C:\QOOLE\bin\QRAD3.EXE poodm1 ----------- qrad3 ---------- original code by id Software Modified by Geoffrey DeWan Revision 1.04 Compiled for Pentium processors ----------------------------- gamedir set to C:\Quake2\baseq2\ reading C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.bsp 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (135) 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (109) 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (7) writing C:\Quake2\baseq2\maps\poodm1.bsp 257 seconds elapsed ===== Process Terminated ===== -----------------------OTHER STUFF----------------- YOU MAY NOT DECOMPILE,REVERSE ENGINERE, OR USE THIS MAP AS A BASE. YOU MAY FREELY DISTRIBUTE THIS MAP ELECTRONICLY, IF U WISH TO SELL IT (WICH I DOUBT) U MUST CONTACT ME FIRST. IF U WISH TO INCLUDE THIS ON A MAGIZINE CD U MUST CONTACT ME. COMMERCIAL SERVERS MUST ALSO CONTACT ME IF THEY WISH TO PLAY THIS MAP. Email U8Poo@email.com Please Email Me if u wish to post a review of this map on any website. If u run a non commercial server u may run this map as much as u like hehe :) To any body who does run this map on a server Thank you Thanks Also go to all the people who helped beta test it unfortunatley i got too lazy to work out the bugs in the jump pad so i didnt fix em ... o well... for screen shots of my other maps go to these links (copy and paste into ur browser is much easyer) http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/qgm2.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/qgm5.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/qgm9.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/qgm3b.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/qgm6b.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/poo1r.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/1poodm1.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/2poodm1.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/3poodm1.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/4poodm1.jpg At the time of this read me the following pics are unfinished maps http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/preview1.jpg http://www.geocities.com/qgm_poo/preview2.jpg I will soon have a website up at www.U8Poo.com :) lol The Geocities account is just a file thing there is no website there