================================================================ Title : Hyper dm8 Date : 08/12/99 Filename :hyperdm8.bsp Author : Kit Carson Email Address : kit1010@hotmail.com Description : I've tested for Duel and it's perfect! this is a medium sized level, suitable for 2-4-(8)? players. Additional Credits to :Every women with big boobs, Gizmo for his first aid in my first experiment, Mr Elusive for Gladiator bot, and of course Id Software for Quake 2. Tester : Spock *CdP* ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Look around only. Deathmatch : Yes, up to 8 players I reckon, but it could hold more. (12 dmstartpoint) Difficulty Settings : No Tips : use the fan! and use Gladiator Bot! * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.50 Known Bugs : No. Build Time : One weeks, on and off. Textures used : texture from Quake2 Textures Sky : texture from Quake2 Compile machine : P2 350mhz 64 mb QBSP Time : --- QVIS Time : about 2 hours QRAD Time : --- Brushes : Entities : Models : none * Other Info * I like play fast! and my maps are never big, i played Duel for two months across the net, and design and concept is influenced by...Duel;) As usual, I'd like to hear what you think about this level, so if you have anything to say, send me a message through the address above. Have Fun! * Copyright / Permissions * You may download and play this level, give it for free to your friends and just enjoy it. This map, hyperdm8 is (c) by Kit Carson, 99. You may distribute this .BSP freely via internet, provided you include this .TXT file and leave the archive intact. If you'd like to use this .BSP file in any other way, please contact me via E-Mail. If you let me know and give me a credit, I'll probably give you the permission to use. QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.