Installation notes by A Choppin' Spree....: Exctract the zip file to: (x):\quake2\baseq2\maps To play: Open up the console in Q2 and type 'map chop'. This should do it... GENERAL NOTES & STUFF Author: Black Ant Co_op (a.k.a. Sister of mercy) E-Mail: Name: chop.bsp (A Choppin' Spree...). Size: Just under 1 MB. Mode: Purely deathmatch (nobody seems to know how to make flags when editing maps with BSP, God rest their Souls & Holes). Min/max player: There are some interesting ways in this level to kill yourself (backfiring grenades when you're on top of the - sort of - monument is one), but that's Not The Point. So, it's seems a bit large for 2 players; 8 is a good max (8 spawnplaces in Meat Beat). When playing with bots, CRBOT certainly knows it way around... Editor: BSP. Very nice program, very solid, didn't become (like DMM2) a BSoD.... Compiling time: 1 Hour. Weapons: Forget about the shotgun & BFG.. -2 Supershotguns -1 Machinegun -1 Chaingun -2 Grenade launchers -1 Rocketlauncher -2 Railguns -2 Hyperblasters. Creation time: Who cares? It's there! Additional fenx: For some interesting suggestions, Ayreon (Christ, like the 1 playing traffic sign on Golgotha). To my girlfriend (lots of support, lots of being there), and for all the guys out there who had the Answers for my Questions.... By the way, this level may be copied and/or redistributed without my authorization. In any way adapted/modified is a big nono, not without my permission. 7 Decembre 2000.