This is just a basic Quake2 map I made when I was bored, based on 3DFX's Voodoo5 5500AGP card, complete with decapitating AVID fans! I've been having lighting problems with Quark, so this map ain't got none, but it will have to do for now until Quark6 comes out. If you want a go at doing this, then go to and download the program - it's very easy to get into. If you're not sure how to load this map, then just copy the bsp file into your quake2/baseq2/maps folder, then when in quake2, bring down the console with the ~ key and type "map v5" - If you're running a multiplayer server though, use the command changelevel instead of map, or you'll boot everyone from your server. Have fun Shaun.