=========================== CONSOLE COMMAND: varCommand =========================== 1. Information 2. Usage Examples 3. Additional Information 4. History ------------------------------------ varCommand [ FORMAT: command <...> ] ------------------------------------ -------------- 1. Information -------------- Performs a $StringSubtitution, then calls the normal Quake3 command that was specified. Useful mainly for creating vstrs first, then calling a normal q3 command and having the vstrs be used. ----------------- 2. Usage Examples ----------------- \set user_demoname "DFDemo1" // sets the vstr user_demoname to "DFDemo1" \varCommand record $user_demoname // calls the record command using "record DFDemo1" due to the string substution \varCommand say My position is $posX $posY $posZ // calls the say command, and reports the players current position, using the special strings posX, posY, posZ \varCommand ? // displays ingame help ------------------------- 3. Additional Information ------------------------- See the documentation on StringSubs for more information on how to use the $StringSubs feature. ---------- 4. History ---------- 1.90 - Feature introduced