*** NOTE: this cvar removed, and replaced with "respawnpoint" command in Defrag 1.91 *** \df_ndm_RespawnPoint [ DEFAULT: RANGE: X Y Z (position) ] Specifies that the closest spawn point to the indicated X Y Z position should be used when a player respawns. Requires a map restart. At any time, you may set the var to your current position (see sample binds section). Once this is done, and a map restart is performed, the closest normal map spawn point will be used repeatedly. Any time the df_ndm_RespawnPoint var changes, a map restart must be performed. The df_ndm_RespawnPoint is cleared (set to "") when a new (different) map is loaded. ------------ Sample Binds ------------ Use the following bind to set the var or clear the var: bind MyKey1 "varMath df_ndm_RespawnPoint = $posXYZ" // sets the spawnpoint to the current player position bind MyKey2 "varMath df_ndm_RespawnPoint = $empty" // clears the spawn point To perform a map restart: bind MyKey3 "map_restart 0"