\df_ghosts_MiniviewDraw [ DEFAULT: 3 RANGE: 0 TO 8 ] - turns on/off the Miniview (PIP) 0 = Off 1 = On during ghost playback 2 = On for ghost playback, and for demos 3 = On for demos only 4 = Always On (1P/3P switching style - opposite of mainview) 5 = Always On, 1st Person 6 = Always On, 3rd Person 7 = Always On, Player spectating/tracking (specified by df_mp_TrackPlayerNum). PIP is main player's view if other player is outside of PVS 8 = Always On (PVS), Player spectating/tracking (specified by df_mp_TrackPlayerNum). PIP is off if other player is outside of PVS For mode 4 (always on), the miniview functions differently depending on if a ghost is playing or not. - If a ghost not playing, then the miniview will display the opposite of the mainview, in relation to cg_thirdperson 1. - If a ghost IS playing, and the df_ghosts_MiniviewCameraMode is set to 0, the miniview will show the player view (not the ghost view) in first person form. - If a ghost IS playing, and the df_ghosts_MiniviewCameraMode is not 0, the miniview will use one of the ghost camera modes (the same modes that are available in df_ghost*_PlayCameraMode.