\df_demos_HideLocalEntities [ DEFAULT: 0 RANGE: 0 TO N (mask) ] - hides local entities Add the following values to hide the desired entities: LE_MARK 1 LE_EXPLOSION 2 LE_SPRITE_EXPLOSION 4 LE_FRAGMENT 8 // gibs and brass LE_MOVE_SCALE_FADE 16 // water bubbles LE_FALL_SCALE_FADE 32 // gib blood trails LE_FADE_RGB 64 // teleporters, railtrails LE_SCALE_FADE 128 // rocket trails LE_SCOREPLUM 256 // team arena - not used LE_KAMIKAZE 512 LE_INVULIMPACT 1024 LE_INVULJUICED 2048 LE_SHOWREFENTITY 4096 511 = all (1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256) (not including team arena items)