========= Green sky ========= 1. Information 2. Usage 3. Custom sky example -------------- 1. Information -------------- zz-defrag_greensky.pk3 is supplied for movie makers that want to use special effects instead of the default skies in maps. This is similar to black-screening except the structure of the map is still shown. -------- 2. Usage -------- Copy zz-defrag_greensky.pk3 into the defrag directory. All default maps (q3dm* and q3ctf*) and maps that use default sky shaders will now have a green sky. If the map you want to green sky has a custom environment sky shader there is also a green environment sky included as well (env/green/green). --------------------- 3. Custom Sky Example --------------------- To green sky ujump: 1. Extract ujump.shader to defrag/scripts 2. Rename ujump.shader to zz-ujump.shader 3. Open up zz-ujump.shader in a text editor 4. Look for a line with the keyword 'skyparms' in this case: skyparms env/space1 - - 5. Change to this: skyparms env/green/green - - 6. Save changes and close zz-ujump.shader 7. Place zz-ujump.shader into a pk3. (Zip the "scripts" folder and rename the zip to zz-ujump.pk3)