======================= Tricks Mode / Fast Caps ======================= II.4/ Tricks Mode / Fast Caps ----------------------------- These features only apply in the Tricks Mode and Fast Caps gametypes. /df_ndm_weaponsPickup [0-1] (default: 1) turns on/off the weapons pickup in Tricks Mode / Fast Caps. /df_ndm_damage[0-1] (default: 1) turns on/off player damage in Tricks Mode / Fast Caps /df_ndm_powerups[0-1] (default: 0) allows/disallows the use of powerups in Tricks Mode / Fast Caps. /df_ndm_weaponsSet [ TYPE: FLAGS - DEFAULT: "510" ] sets the weapons given to players upon respawn in Tricks Mode / Fast Caps. /df_ndm_nopad [ DEFAULT: 0 (enabled) - RANGE: 0 TO 2 ] - manages the behavior of jump-pads and bounce-pads in Tricks Mode / Fast Caps. 0 - enabled 1 - disabled 2 - replaced by death-triggers /df_ndm_noteleport [ DEFAULT: 0 (enabled) - RANGE: 0 TO 2 ] - manages the behavior of the teleporters in Tricks Mode / Fast Caps. 0 - enabled 1 - disabled 2 - replaced by death-triggers /df_ndm_nomover [ DEFAULT: 0 (enabled) - RANGE: 0 TO 1 ] - manages the behavior of the movers in Tricks Mode / Fast Caps. 0 - enabled 1 - disabled /df_ndm_itemsSpawn [ DEFAULT: 1 (selective) - RANGE: 0 TO 2 ] - manages the spawning of the items in Tricks Mode / Fast Caps. 0 - items never spawn 1 - selective 2 - items always spawn - Items-defined Timer: Not available in fast caps mode. Item can be used to define a route within the map. Any item type can be assigned a timer-start, timer-stop, or checkpoint command. /df_ndm_timer_start [item alias] /df_ndm_timer_stop [item alias] /df_ndm_timer_checkpoint [item alias] Possible item aliases are: Weapons: sg gl rl lg rg pg bfg Ammo: a_mg a_sg a_gl a_rl a_lg a_rg a_pg a_bfg Health: h5 h25 h50 mh Armor: as ya ra Powerups: quad bs haste invis regen flight Holdables: teleport medkit