========== Spectating ========== 1. Information 2. Config Vars 3. History -------------- 1. Information -------------- 2 new spectator modes have been added for use with live games. The 2 spectator modes are "Replay" and "Autochase". Replay spectating only works if there is a valid replay script for the map being played. Autochase spectating works on any map. - Autochase Spectating uses the democam mode Autochase - Replay (viewcam) Spectating allows Replay Scripts to be used during a live game, to establish camera positions. If df_demos_ReplayMode is 1, and there is a valid Replay Script for the map, and you are spectating a game, and following another player, the Replay Spectating will be active. Just press +moveup (jump) to activate Replay Spectating. Press +moveup again to switch back to regular spectating. While spectating a live game, a few commands are mapped automatically. Pressing +movedown while following another player will switch the spectator mode back to free spectator. Pressing +moveup (jump) while following another player will switch to Replay (viewcam) Spectator mode, if: - df_demos_ReplayMode 1 - There is a valid Replay Script file for the map Pressing +moveup (jump) again will switch to Autochase Specator mode. Generally, pressing +moveup cycles through the Spectator modes (NORMAL, REPLAY, AUTOCHASE). Pressing +attack while following another player will switch to another player *** NOTE: Using a replay script for spectating a live game will only change camera positions/angles. It will not activate other vars (won't activate timescale changes, fov changes, etc.) -------------- 2. Config Vars -------------- \df_demos_ReplayMode [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 TO 4 ] - sets the Replay Mode 0 = Off 1 = On (used during demo playback for maps that have replay scripts) and turns on/off Replay/Autochase spectating 1 = On. If on, and a replay script exists for a given map, the script will be used during a demo. Also turns on/off replay/autochase spectating ---------- 3. History ---------- 1.90 - Replay (viewcam) Spectating added - Autochase Spectating added