=============== Set up a server =============== - Note ------ In single-player mode, Defrag prohibits non-local players from connecting. To work as a server, the game must be set to a multiplayer gametype, which the gametype autoconfig will do automatically if the server is running dedicated. To set up a listen server, you need to set df_gametype accordingly. Either way you should ensure that sv_maxclients is set properly. The following cvars control the main aspects of the game. For further game configuration settings, please consult the appropriate documents. We have also provided a short introduction on running and tweaking a Defrag server, which you can find in misc/misc/defrag-server-howto.zip. - Settings ---------- \df_gametype [ DEFAULT: 0 RANGE: 0 TO 7 ] Manually selects the defrag gametype 0: auto-config 1: defrag 2: tricks mode 3: fast caps 4: reserved (has no effect) 5: multiplayer defrag 6: multiplayer Tricks mode 7: multiplayer fast caps Auto-config (value 0) lets defrag automatically determine the gametype based upon the map entities. It will enable a multiplayer gametype if quake is running in dedicated mode. \df_promode [ DEFAULT: 0 RANGE: 0 (VQ3) TO 1 (CPM) ] Selects the physics type. 0: VQ3: classic Quake3 1: CPM: promode physics with your bunny on \df_mode_tricksmode [ DEFAULT: 2 RANGE: 0 TO 7 ] \df_mode_fastcaps [ DEFAULT: 2 RANGE: 0 TO 7 ] Select a preset config for Tricks Mode or Fast Caps. 1: disable weapons, forbid jump-pads/teleporters/movers 2: enable weapons, allow jump-pads/teleporters/movers 3: disable weapons, allow jump-pads/teleporters/movers 4: enable weapons, forbid jump-pads/teleporters/movers 5: swinging hook 6: Quake3 hook 7: vanilla Quake3 - Server Administration ----------------------- \df_sv_script_idleCfg [ TYPE: String DEFAULT: NULL ] - Set the config file to execute when the server has been idle for a set period of time. (see df_sv_script_idleDelay) \df_sv_script_idleDelay [ TYPE: Integer DEFAULT: 50 ] - When the server idles, set the period of time before the idle script is executed. (see df_sv_script_idleCfg) - Votes ------- \df_vote_allowVotes [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 (off) TO 1 (on) ] - globally enables/disables votes \df_vote_passVoteOnRatio [ DEFAULT: .5 RANGE: 0.0 TO 1.0 ] - ratio of yes votes required for the vote to pass \df_vote_maxVotes [ DEFAULT: 5 RANGE: 0 TO ... ] - max callvotes per client (0: infinite) \df_vote_voteDelay [ DEFAULT: 30 RANGE: 0 TO ... ] - seconds to be spent before a vote is discarded \df_vote_allow_map [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 TO 1 ] \df_vote_allow_map_restart [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 TO 1 ] \df_vote_allow_nextmap [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 TO 1 ] \df_vote_allow_gametype [ DEFAULT: 0 RANGE: 0 TO 1 ] - off by default, so clients don't disrupt the gametype autoconfig \df_vote_allow_mode [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 TO 1 ] \df_vote_allow_kick [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 TO 1 ] \df_vote_allow_clientkick [ DEFAULT: 1 RANGE: 0 TO 1 ]