* history 1.70 * - Added support for standard quake3 maps (Tricks Mode) - Added support for CTF Fast Caps - Tricks Mode: Added item-defined timer feature (df_ndm_timer_*) - Added Crosshair Stats display system and user inputs indicator - Autorecord: Various enhancements and fixes - Autorecord: Added external app for demo files cleaning and sorting (_DemosTool.exe) - CPM: Added cpm item clipboxes - Added external app for recorded best times output (RecordsTool.exe) - Fixed RunBeamer missing plasmagun - Fixed some shader problems on map textures - Fixed CVar "defrag_version" ability to be set from command line issue - Removed sv_fps and com_maxfps restrictions when cheats are enabled - Removed older crosshair health/armor stats and speed display - Stats: Added "stats" console command - Stats: Added Longest Jump - Stats: Added pmove_msec - Stats: Fixed target_init meddling - Stats: Fixed Tallest Height not being reseted - Stats: Jump meters: Replaced df_drawDistance and df_drawHeight CVars with df_drawJumpmeters - Cheat Prevention: Fixed timer encryption side effects - Cheat Prevention: Strengthened timer encryption - HUD: Added video-capture mode (df_hud_videocapture_*) - UI: Redesigned Launch Game menu (50 maps per page) - UI: Added Tricks Mode support - UI: Registration limits extended for demos (2x defrag 1.61 - 4x original vq3) - UI: Removed CD-Key splash screen and Id logo opening cinematic - Scripting: Added df_script_onMapLoad - Scripting: Replaced df_respawn_cfg with df_script_onRespawn - Mapping: Added "RemoveMachinegun" option on Target_init - Mapping: Added "author" key in map definition files (.defi)