====== Meters ====== /df_unit [0-2] (default: 0) Sets units type for distance and velocity output. 0 - quake units, units/s 1 - meters, km/h 2 - miles, miles/h /stats (client command) Outputs the player stats into the console. Stats are reset upon timer start and player respawn. /df_checkpoints [0-3] (default: 3) Selects the checkpoints display mode. 0 - off 1 - effective time 2 - offset time 3 - relative time /df_drawCheckpointEvents [0-1] (default: 1) Turns on/off the display of the screen-centered checkpoint events. /df_drawCheckpointStats [0-1] (default: 1) Turns on/off the display of the bottom right checkpoints info. /df_drawBesttime [0-1] (default: 1) Displays performed best time for the current map. /df_drawSpeed [0-2] (default: 1) 0 - Disabled 1 - Displays speed meter 2 - Displays speed meter and uses an older quake-units conversion table (Defrag old-school) /df_drawJumpmeters [0-7] (default: 3) Sets up the jump meters on the HUD. 1: draw jump height 2: draw jump distance 3: draw both 5: draw jump height, high values only 6: draw jump distance, high values only 7: draw both, high values only