============= Demos Seeking ============= 1. Information 2. Config Vars 3. History ============== 1. Information ============== Allows a demo to be played quickly to a user specified time within the demo. Used only during demo viewing. ============== 2. Config Vars ============== \df_demos_Seek [ DEFAULT: 0.00 RANGE 0.00 TO XX.XX ] - specifies a time, in minutes.seconds, within a demo, to seek to Specify xx to seek to a minutes value time Specify .xx to seek to a seconds value time Specify a negative value to seek to the beginning of a game (if game is in warmup) Examples 1 - absolute seeking: \df_demos_Seek 2 // seeks to 2:00 in a demo \df_demos_Seek 3.23 // seeks to 3:23 in a demo \df_demos_Seek -1 // seeks to 0:00 in a demo (seeks past the game warmup) *** NOTE: when specifying a value in minutes only (no seconds), the system seeks in hyper-speed mode (10 times faster than normal mode). Hyper-speed seeking is not as accurate, and will not always stop exactly at the x.00 minute mark (may pass it by a second or 2). Examples 2 - relative seeking: \"varMath df_demos_Seek = $chsinfo(174) + .15" // seeks forward 15 seconds the bind would look like: \bind mykey "varMath df_demos_Seek = $chsinfo(174) + .15" // seeks forward 15 seconds ========== 3. History ========== 1.91 - Use CHS info item 174 in combination with varMath to do forward seeking based on an interval 1.90 - Feature introduced