- STILL WATERS - An Opposing Forces Capture the Flag map. By: SantagausS http://www.geocities.com/santagauss !!!READ THIS BEFORE YOU PLAY!!! it will help - MAP INFO Capture the flag 20 captures to win. Each player starts with crowbar, 357, 9mm handgun, shotgun, 15 HEV Weapon Boxes in the map contain ammo. (75 9mm, 18 357, 24 buchshot, 15 crossbow, 10 sniper, 100 m249) Each team has 1 accelerator powerup for use. You can not use the opposing teams powerup. The powerups return time is 1 minute so dont lose it in enemy territory or you team will go without till it returns or is recovered. - MAP TIPS FOR GAME PLAY This map basically goes against everything the op4ctf community is used too, especaily in the public servers. This map is extremely fast paced and unforgiving. There are no satchels to hide and camp with there are no fire and forget weapons like snarks, penguins, mines. The map will have many conflicts and many more flag standoffs then usuall. Some will hate this map some will love it, but any one who gives it a shot will become a better player by playing it hard. General play, do not take weapons if you already have one if weaponstay is off. take no more then one weapon box the supplies should last you plenty long enough and you can come back if you need more spawners with nothing will hurt your team. This map requires that players do not play greedy make sure that the players who are spawning have a weapon to pick up as often as possible. make sure if you do not need a longjump you leave it for someone who does rather then take it for yourself, same with tau, mp5 grenades, and powerup. Use the shock rifle heavily on defense, this is one of the few maps where this weapon is very usefull. Defense is extremely important quite unlike most CTF maps you will probbaly need to stack more players on defense then offense and your defense can not be your weakest players. It is very important to make sure you do not let a flag capper get out of the water alive. If a flag capper gets out make sure you have a flag chaser ready. Dont be affraid to kill yourself to get the flag back. Defense should probably hold the powerup. Offense you will need to get in and out of the water as fast as possible with the flag other wise you will die by the shock rifle. If the other team get your flag you need to make a fast grab on thier flag to make sure they cannot land it. You will also need to be very good at recovering your flag in a stand off. Watch out for defense hiding in the water use the shockrifle to counter. Try to keep a carefull balence on hanging back to long to take out defense and going for the flag to quickly and falling prey to thier traps. It is probbaly best to leave the powerup with the defense so they can be more effective. - Organization In public servers it is always a good idea to make sure all the jobs are covered no matter what map you are in. So try this out on this and all maps enter the server view the players and thier jobs and pick an open job. Then change your name to reflect the job youhave taken. Defense D-[CLAN]Player Defense flag chaser/midfield DC-[CLAN]Player Offense O-[CLAN]Player Flag Capper OC-[CLAN]Player Come play at the speed of TAU have fun! =]