######################################### # op4ctf_base2fite4 Edit by [AA]Crack # ######################################### # Web: http://www.op4ctf.com # # Email: crack@aaclan.op4ctf.com # # AIM: RageCTF # ######################################### This is an updated op4ctf_base2fite4. There were a few issues when I originally release the map (n00bish mistakes) and I have corrected them. I also made some tweaks to try and speed up game play, this has been run on sarcop4gus for some time and every seems to like this version better then the old one! :) ################# # Map Changes # ################# - Replaced satchels with 2 buckshot ammo entities and 2 RPG clips for BM and OP4. - Replaced Eagle with Spore Launcher for BM and OP4. - Replaced 2 sets of ARgrenades with RPG clips for BM and OP4. - Replaced second Eagle with Displacer for BM and OP4. - Moved Flag to the platform accessible by xen pad for both BM and OP4. - Removed 3 tripmines and replaced the last tripmine with the long jump module for BM and OP4. - Removed long jump rune since the module is in the level. - Placed 8 rune spawn points and redid the runes to place randomly on start to stop one team from having an advantage. ################# # Other Notes # ################# This edit is in developmental stages. Please let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions on it. I feel the changes made to this map will help make it a faster pace map and can actually allow a team a chance to score which is nearly impossible in this map's previous stage.