================================================================ Title : PALAIS2K Filename : de_palais2k.bsp Author : ]==---STAATSSCHUTZ---==[ Email Address : guntram.schmidt@t-online.de Web Page : www.staatsschutz.com Description : Defusal for Counter-Strike (www.counter-strike.net) ================================================================ --- Play Information --- Game : Half Life, CS-MOD Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes Known bugs : No --- Construction --- Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 3.3 etc. Base : none Construction Time : some months Installation ------------ Put the two *.txt files and the de_palais2k.bsp into your cstrike\maps file Put all the .mdl files into your cstrike\models file Put the six "aristocracy##"-files into your cstrike\gfx\env file Put all the .wav -files into your cstrike\sound\ambience file Notes ----- I hope you enjoy the map